my iPad is My New Office
Who needs a desktop, table with a wheely chair when all You need is an iPad. Long gone the days when everything has to be office based. I work from home and find it much easier doing business simply with my iPad. You simply wake up, and start interacting with customers from as far as Peru. Here at FROMiVC, number One keyword for Online Networking and Social Marketing, blogging is the key to creating good content for future Brand awareness. With my iPad, I could do just that, blog away at an instant, makes life much easier and I reckon with an iPad, You can actually get things done so much quicker than even with a laptop. I take my iPad everywhere with me ready to take up any business task such as off or on-line Marketing, which is another service provided by FROMiVC. I'm actually using the iPad 2 to be precise witch is very easy to maneuver and get the job done. in 2013, I would say the purchase of an iPad will soar as more and more people find other alternatives to getting onlin...